
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

J2EE WebApp - For Beginners

This article is for beginners who want to try out their first J2EE application. It explains the step by step process to create a web application using JSF 2.0, Rich Faces 3.3 for UI and MYSQL5.5 for database and Jboss 5.0.1GA server for deployment.

    Set up MYSQL5.5

  • Download and install the MYSQL Installer pack (32bit or 64bit) from

  • Remember and save the root password for MYSQL that you create during the installation.

  • MYSQL Services will start listening to port 3306 after successful installation.

  • Start MYSQL Command Line Client from Start Menu  and enter the root password.

  • Create a database.  Give the command,  ‘create database company ;’ (without quotes) and hit enter. You will see the response ‘Query OK, 1 row affected’.

  • Create User Id/Password for that database. Give the command, ‘grant all privileges on company.* to johnsmith@localhost identified by 'password-1';’. Here the user name is ‘johnsmith’ and password is ‘password-1’. You will need this user id/password for accessing any table with the ‘company’ database.

  • Set the ‘company’ database as default. Give the command, ‘use company;’

  • Create a table. Give the command, ‘create table EMPLOYEE (employeeFirstName varchar(20), employeeLastName varchar(20), upddttm DATE);’

  • Insert a sample record into the table. Give the command, ‘insert into EMPLOYEE (employeeFirstName,employeeLastName,upddttm) values ('Alex','Roger',current_timestamp);’

    • Set up JBOSS 5.0.1GA

  • Download and install JBOSS 5.0.1GA from

  • To tell Jboss to connect to your MYSQL5.5 during server startup, drop a file named ‘mysql-ds.xml’ inside the ‘ /server/default/deploy’ folder.

  • The contents of the mysql-ds.xml should contain the connection url, user name, password for the database it wants to connect.

    1. <datasources>

  • Please note, you have to provide optimized values for the Database connection pooling as per your database usage. Too many or too less will result in performance degrade.

    • Set up Web Application:

  • I assume, you have Eclipse 3.5 or above and JDK 1.6 installed on your machine. I also assume, you have JSF 2.0 libraries (Say Mojara 2.0) on your machine.

  • On Eclipse, Create a new Dynamic Web project – SampleWeb, with target runtime as Jboss 5.0, Dynamic Web Module version 2.5, Added to SampleWebEAR and with Context root ‘SampleWeb’. Check the ‘Generate web.xml deployment descriptor’ option in the Wizard.

  • Right click on SampleWeb  Properties  Project Facets  Check Java Server Faces 2.0. If you see further configurations required at the bottom, click the link and browse your JSF Implementation Library.

  • Rich Faces library has certain dependencies with JSF library. This example uses Rich Faces 3.3 and JSF 2.0.

  • Before we start with our JSP file, ensure, you have the following jars in your ‘lib’ directory inside web-inf folder.


  • Your web.xml needs the below entry to support Rich Faces.

    1. <context-param>
      <display-name>RichFaces Filter</display-name>
      <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>

  • Before we get to the Employee. jsp, let’s create a employee bean for the page.

    1. package com.example.richfaces;
      import java.sql.Connection;
      import java.sql.ResultSet;
      import java.sql.Statement;
      import javax.naming.InitialContext;
      import javax.sql.DataSource;

      public class EmployeeBean {

      private String employeeFirstName;
      private String employeeLastName;

      public String getEmployeeFirstName() {
      return employeeFirstName;

      public void setEmployeeFirstName(String employeeFirstName) {
      this.employeeFirstName = employeeFirstName;

      public String getEmployeeLastName() {
      return employeeLastName;

      public void setEmployeeLastName(String employeeLastName) {
      this.employeeLastName = employeeLastName;

      public void doGetEmployeeName() {

      InitialContext ctx = null;
      DataSource ds = null;
      Connection conn = null;
      Statement stmt = null;
      try {
      ctx = new InitialContext();
      ds = (DataSource) ctx.lookup("java:/MySqlDS");
      conn = ds.getConnection();
      stmt = conn.createStatement();
      ResultSet rs = stmt
      .executeQuery("select employeeFirstName, employeeLastName from EMPLOYEE");
      while ( {


      } catch (Exception ex) {
      // Implement finally block and better Exception handling here



  • Add the Employee Bean entry to faces-config.xml. This way, we can refer the bean from our JSP page using ‘employee’ object

    1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <description>Employee Bean</description>
      <value />
      <value />

  • Create a new JSP File (Employee.jsp)

    1. <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
      <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="f"%>
      <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="h"%>
      <!-- RichFaces tag library declaration -->
      <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="a4j"%>
      <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="rich"%>
      <title>RichFaces Example</title>
      <rich:panel header="RichFaces Greeter" style="width: 315px">

      <a4j:commandButton value="Get Our Employee" reRender="greeting"
      action="#{employee.doGetEmployeeName}" />

      <h:panelGroup id="greeting">
      <h:outputText value="Hello, "
      rendered="#{not empty employee.employeeFirstName}" />
      <h:outputText value="#{employee.employeeFirstName}" />
      <h:outputText value="#{employee.employeeLastName}"
      rendered="#{not empty employee.employeeFirstName}" />

  • You are all set!! Get going..

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